Merlefest Hillside Album Hour 2011: Eat A Peach

Take a gorgeous, sun-drenched day under a perfect Carolina blue sky, add a hillside filled with about 5000 music lovers, toss in lead vocals by Joan Osborne and the incomparable keyboard work of John R. Burr, a dash of the Wailin' Jennys on backing vocals, a shot of Larry Atamanuik on drums, season liberally with The Waybacks' stellar chops and trademark energy, stir it all up with the Allman Brothers' classic recording, Eat A Peach, and you've got the makings for the tasty 2011 Hillside Album Hour. Get your full dose here!
The downloadable version includes both FLAC (lossless CD quality) and MP3 (320 kbps) files.